New EdD Design, Redesign, & Implementation Resources
New Resources Uploaded to the CPED Resource Center
CPED is excited to announce that we've updated the Resource Center for members with many new resources to download. These resources include research, essays, publications, learning modules, and presentation slides.
CPED members can access the Resource Center here.
Resource Titles & Locations
Examining Faculty Member Changes in an Innovative Educational Doctorate Program. Buss, R.B. Zambo, D. Painter, S.R. & Moore, D.W. (2013). Innovative Higher Education, (37)2.
Changing Schools of Education Through Grassroots Faculty-led Change. Perry, J.A. (2013). Innovation in Higher Education. Vol. 39 pp. 155-168.
Faculty Members' Responses to Implementing Re-Envisioned EdD Programs. Buss, R.R., Zambo, R., Zambo, D., Perry, J.A. & Williams, T.R. (2015). Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1113951.
Faculty-Driven Change: How to Get Buy-in, Make Progress. Kelly, R. (2011). Academic Leader. 27 (3). Pp. 5-8.
A Stewardship of Practice in Education. Perry, J.A. & Imig, D.G. (2008), Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 40:6, 42-49.
Reclaiming Education's Doctorates: A Critique and a Proposal. Shulman, L.S., Golde, C.M. Bueschel Conklin, A. &, Garabedian, K.J. (2006). Educational Researcher. (35)3.Pp. 25-32
Council of Graduate Schools Taskforce Report on the Professional Doctorate. Council of Graduate Schools. (2007). Washington, DC: Council of Graduate Schools.
Program Redesign - Program Goals:
Standards, success, & CPED? A Foucaultian examination of “Best Practices” for doctoral programs in education. (must purchase from publisher). Hart, J., & Ludwig, E. (2014). In S. Freeman, Jr., L. Goodchild, & L. Hagedorn (Eds.), Advancing higher education administration degree program quality: The question of doctoral guidelines. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Program Redesign - Social Justice:
Activating Activism: Promoting Activism Within EdD Programs. Becton, Y.J., Jeffries, R.B., Jones, S.J., et al. (2020). Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming the Professional Practice. 5(2). Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate.
Students - Student Development:
Graduates respond to an innovative educational doctorate program. Amrein-Beardsley, A., Zambo, D., Moore, D. W., Buss, R. R., Perry, N. J., Painter, S. R., Carlson, S. L., Foulger, T. S., Olson, K., & Puckett, K. S. (2012). Journal of Research on Leadership Education. 7(1) 98–122.
Hints, Tips, and Thoughts about EdD Writing. Caskey, M.M. (2020). Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate.
CPED Framework - Inquiry as Practice:
Teaching research evidence use in the Education Doctorate. Firestone, W.A., Perry, J.A., Leland, A.S, & McKeon, R.T. (2019). Journal of Research on Leadership Education. 00 (0) Pp 1-22.
The Role of research in the professional doctorate. Hochbien, C. & Perry, J.A. (2013) Planning and Changing Journal. 44(3/4). pp. 181-194.
Action Research and the Educational Doctorate: New Promises and Visions. Zambo, D. & Isai, S. (2013). Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 8(1): 97-112.
Conceptualizing the innovation: factors influencing doctoral candidates’ interventions in the action research dissertation. Wetzel, K. & Ewbank, A. (2013). Educational Action Research, 21(3) pp. 392-411.
Lessons learned by a faculty member working in an education doctorate program with students performing action research. Zambo, D., & Isai, S. (2012) Educational Action Research, 20(3), pp.471–477.
CPED Framework - Laboratory of Practice:
Elbow Learning about Leadership and Research: EdD Students’ Experiences in an Internship Course. Zambo, D. (2014). Planning and Changing: An Educational Leadership and Policy Journal. Vol.44 issue 3/4: Fall/Winter 2013.
CPED Framework - Dissertation in Practice:
Preparing EdD students to conduct group dissertations. Browne-Ferrigno, T., & Jensen, J. M. (2012). Innovative Higher Education, 37(5).
Research Versus Problem Solving for the Education Leadership Doctoral Thesis: Implications for Form and Function. Archbald. D. (2008). Educational Administration Quarterly. 44(5). Pp. 704-739.
An analysis of professional practice EdD dissertations in educational technology. Dawson, K., & Kumar, S. (2014). Techtrends, 58(4), 62-72.
CPED Framework - Scholarly Practitioner:
To EdD or not to EdD? Perry, J.A. (2012). Kappan Magazine. 94(1). Pp.41-44.
CPED Framework - Signature Pedagogy:
Rebooting the EdD. Wergin, J. F. (2011) Harvard Educational Review. 81(1). Pp 119-151.
I am glad I found this resource. I have to learn to come here more often!